Sunday, August 9, 2009

Journey Towards Success

I want to tell you a story about three persons – Sonya, a washroom cleaner; Lloyd, a writer; and Carol, a mother.

Sonya works as a washroom cleaner in a big financial company in Fort Bonifacio. She enjoys and values her work so much that her colleagues love to go to the comfort room to breath, relax, and $re-charge.

Lloyd is a young man who once dreamed of becoming a priest, a musician or an engineer. However none of his dreams materialized. He failed big time in his life not just once but thrice. But he didn’t give up. He soon found his passion and skill in writing and he wrote best-selling books that made him a millionaire. At 26, he is now a President and CEO of his own company.

Carol had a failed marriage with a gentleman who eventually turned out to be a gay. She doesn’t have a family of her own but she is a proud mother of 3 adorable kids – her niece and nephews whom she loves as her own.

Sonya, Lloyd, and Carol have different occupations and backgrounds. What do they have in common? They are all successful. Sonya is the best restroom cleaner that she can be, Lloyd is a brilliant writer, and Carol is an excellent surrogate mother.

So what is success and how does one become successful?
A friend of mine once said that she is successful if she becomes a VP of their company. Another officemate said that his success is equated to buying a brand new car. And still another said that she will be successful if she marries a millionaire so she doesn’t have to work.

We often define success or happiness as a destination. However, there are two problems with this definition. First, we may never see ourselves as successful because we have insatiable needs, we never get satisfied. Second, if we do achieve our goals and consider ourselves as successful, then we may become complacent and lose our drive to pursue other great things.

I would like to re-introduce you to this classic concept called “success”. How we define success is very crucial in being successful. According to the best-selling author and leadership guru John Maxwell, success is a journey, not a destination. In this journey towards success, there are four landmarks that we must take note to keep us on track.

First; success is knowing your purpose in life.
Have you ever wondered what your mission in life is? Tough question, isn’t it? I read somewhere that your mission or vocation in life is your heart’s deepest desire. What is it that you really want to do? Is it public speaking? Is it Farmville?Perhaps the person who created Famville is now earning millions. Maybe you are meant to write books that will touch other people’s lives. Or is it simply laughing? Thank God for you. You give joy to the people surrounding you.

Second; success is maximizing your potential.
What is it something that you do best? Find that “unique genius” in you and nurture it. I bet Manny Pacquiao was no good in Math nor music nor Science. But he found his unique genius and he made the Philippines known to the world, besides the fact that he had turned himself into a billionaire. I believe that each one of us has been gifted with a special talent. Find time to discover your talent and develop it to its fullest.

Third; success is planting seeds that would benefit others.
No man is so poor that he doesn’t have anything to share and no man is so rich that he won’t need anything anymore.
During my visit to PGH last January 2008, I met the most positive person on earth. His name is Kenneth, a 9-year old boy who has been bed-ridden for 3 years. At first glance, you would think that Kenneth is nothing but a burden to his family. But there is more to Kenneth then meets the eye. He is so cheerful that he gives so much joy not only to his parents, but also to his fellow patients, to the doctors, the nurses, the visitors, and everyone who meets him. If Kenneth can do so much to make a difference in other persons’ lives, what more for us who are healthy? A simple smile to the taxi driver or guard will go a long way. Or you may also want to join an outreach organization in your area.

Fourth; success is giving glory to our Creator.
Sometimes power, riches, and fame cloud our vision and make us forget our God.
The man who built the Titanic boastfully said that not even God can sink his ship. The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic. Famous singer Marilyn Monroe said that she doesn’t need Jesus. A week later, she was found dead in her apartment.
Our journey on earth is just temporary. May we make it a practice to thank God each day for all His blessings. God is a very Good Father who loves us so much that He is willing to give what is best for us, even if it means dying on the Cross to save us from our sins. Let us not take this for granted. We need Our God.

To recap, success is a journey. As we journey towards success, let us take note of the landmarks that will keep us on track. Like Sonya, Lloyd, and Carol, may we also discover our purpose in life, maximize our potential, share our blessings with others, and give glory to our Creator.

So are you successful? If you reach any of these four landmarks, then give yourself a pat on the back. You are on your way towards success! :)

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