Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Facing Adversities - a day in the office

I remember a time when I had a very toxic day in the office. I handled some complex and delicate transactions where errors can not be tolerated. I carefully processed each transaction but surprisingly, one minute detail was overlooked. The error cannot be retracted because doing so will cost the company a huge amount. There were alternative solutions but the best choice was to inform the client about the error.

I was scared. I was so nervous I didn't know how to approach him. But I have to do it or else he will get angry when he discovers it from another party. I prayed hard before approaching him and I even practiced what to tell him.

After I gathered enough courage, I called him up and greeted him pleasantly. I cheerfully advised him that I already processed his request. I can sense a smile in his face as he was thanking me. Then my voice became apologetic as I told him about the oversight on my part. I was ready for some spanking. He was silent for a while and then he told me that "it's okay".

I was so relieved. Thank God this man was very understanding.Prayers indeed work! I realized that when you make a mistake that would disappoint another person, the best thing to do is to be humble enough to accept your mistake and to admit it to that person. That person may be disappointed but he will surely appreciate your courage and sincerity.

Another lesson learned...=)

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